Kidney cancer is divided into 4 stages according to the tumor size and level of metastatic spread. Diagnostic procedures detect the disease staging, and then doctors choose the most appropriate treatment options. The percentage of 5-year survival rate depends on the kidney cancer stage.

Undergo a diagnosis

5-year survivance is a general accepted survival index after cancer treatment. Doctors explain this rate the following way: if a patient lives 5 years after chemotherapy, it means that the complete or partial recovery.

Stage 1

It is an initial stage of cancer: a tumor is small and locates only in the affected organ. A malignant neoplasm has a diameter less than 7 cm. Cancer cells affect only the kidney without involving the lymph nodes or other organs. As a rule, patients diagnose kidney cancer stage 1 by accident during an ultrasound. Symptoms appear very rarely at this stage; a patient does not complain of the health.

Treatment options

Survival prognosis

Consequences of cancer

  • Surgical method: total removal of the kidney or resection of its affected part. The surgery may be performed on Da Vinci robot. It is less traumatic and more efficient.
  • If a tumor is small (up to 4-7 cm), specialists apply organ-preservation surgery (a partial resection of the kidney). An operation is technically more difficult than complete removal of the kidney. So not every surgeon can perform this procedure.
  • If it is impossible to save an organ, surgeons resect the kidney laparoscopically/ by robot da Vinci/ traditional method.

81 — 90 %

After surgery, patients live a healthy life but limiting themselves in nutrition and physical activity. It is necessary to undergo follow-up every 6 months during 2 years after surgery, then annually up to 5 years.

Stage 2

The size of cancer is 7 cm and more at stage 2. It grows through the adrenal gland. But still, a tumor is located only within the kidney without metastasizing to the other organs or lymph nodes.

Treatment options

Survival prognosis

Consequences of cancer

  • Surgical method: doctors remove the kidney with surrounding tissues, and if necessary - with adrenal glands and lymph nodes. Doctors perform this operation laparoscopically/ by robot da Vinci/ traditional method.

74 %

After treatment, a patient comes back to a normal life. 20% of patients have a risk of metastasizing, that is why a patient undergoes the examination every 3-6 months for 3 years, then - annually up to 5 years.

Stage 3

A tumor is within the kidney or kidneys, but cancer cells start to spread to the lymph nodes. In some cases, cancer grows through vessels.

Treatment options

Survival prognosis

Consequences of cancer

The treatment plan depends on the type of cancer cells.

  • Surgical method: radical nephrectomy with removal of lymph nodes and vessels.
  • Immunotherapy
  • Targeted therapy
  • Cytokine therapy
  • Chemotherapy
  • Radiosurgery
  • Radiotherapy.

40 - 65 %

In 30% of cases, metastases can appear during 2-3 years after surgery. Patients need undergo regular examination: every 3 months during the first 3 years after surgery, then - annually. If a patient starts treatment in time, it is possible to achieve a high quality of life.

Stage 4

It is an advanced stage of cancer: malignant cells spread through the whole organism. This stage is characterized by multiple remote metastases, fast growth, and spread.

Treatment options

Survival prognosis

Consequences of cancer

  • Surgical method: radical nephrectomy, removal of metastases in other organs if possible
  • Radiosurgery
  • Immunotherapy
  • Targeted therapy
  • Combined therapy
  • Chemotherapy as palliative treatment.

10 % - 14%

It is impossible to completely cure kidney cancer stage 4. However, an appropriate treatment prolongs life and improves its quality.

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